So last week I finished another sketchbook. I'm sort of sad to see it go. This sketchbook had everything...
Bad sketchy comics...
Drawings of me...
Drawings of John...
Drawings of random other couples...
Drawings of women with varying amounts of clothing on...
A kangaroo...
Some kid in a panda suit...
And lots and lots of bad Star Trek drawings.
So, earlier this month House of Twelve had their 12th Anniversary Comics Shindig Jam or whatever you wanna call it. I got the chance to hang out and draw a couple panels and John actually joined me a did a little drawing of his own. Unfortunately, I don't have links to all of the contributors websites, so hopefully they won't get mad if I don't site them as the artists for their particular panels. Also, sorry for the lack of context all of these panels are part of larger ongoing stories with several contributors.
This one is from a goofy sci-fi comic. I contributed the last panel on this page featuring the "Celine Dion Ray".
Another goofy story about a one eyed monster trying to evict a naked squatter. I provided the panel featuring said monster retrieving his sword from his banana hammock.
I won't try to summarize this story within a story, but I drew the second panel of the girl at the psychiatrist and John actually drew the last panel featuring Dr.Bird's prescription pad. Good times.