We may be all sheltered in place, but we are still making and sharing zines. Enter #QuaranzineFest! A two day online zine fest. Make, share, buy and trade zines online. Follow the hashtag #QuaranzineFest and discover some fun new zines and zinesters today April 4 and tomorrow April 5.
To that end, you may have noticed that my online store is temporarily closed.
Unfortunately, with social distancing and shelter in place it is becoming increasingly difficult to make it to the post office to ship out my usual wares. Do not fret! I have a bunch of stamps at home and, for a small price, I can snail mail you a selection of mini zines. I have a new mini preview version of No Pants Revolution 5 and a new iridescent No Pants Revolution sticker that I can send to you for only $3. Also, For $5 you'll get those and I'll also throw in my Fandom Fashion 1 & 2 mini zines. The info for how you can venmo and paypal me are on the images below. This deal will be going on as long as there is shelter in place and is unfortunately for US only.
Surely, it goes without saying that all of the fests that I was so excited about in the beginning of the year are now postponed or cancelled. But it's okay, as long as I'm making zines I'll try to figure out how to get them out to people.

Go follow #Quaranzinefest, discover some new fun stuff and support artists!