Thursday, January 30, 2025

It Came From Hallowzine: Call for Artists


After a short break, Hallowzine is back! Aquatic Panda Distro is organizing the 6th installment in the Chicago horror comic anthology series. This one titled IT CAME FROM HALLOWZINE! Sign ups are open right now for cartoonists based in the Chicagoland area. We are looking for comics artists of all skill levels. Sign up today! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP

Not sure this project is for you? Check out the guidelines below.

Chicago’s premiere horror comic anthology is back! Aquatic Panda Distro is calling all Chicago Area comic artists to contribute to It Came From Hallowzine.

What is Hallowzine?

Hallowzine is a Halloween/Horror themed comics anthology.

What can my comic be about?

While the title of the book will be “It Came From Hallowzine”, the only requirement for the theme of your comic is that it is Halloween or Horror related. We hope to have various different styles and tones of story represented: silly, scary, sweet, etc. While NSFW artwork is allowed, we are asking artists to keep it rated R or under. Please no explicit sex or sexual violence. 

Who can submit?

Any creator currently living in the greater Chicagoland area may submit. We are interested in artists of all skill levels. College students, beginners, and experienced comic artists are all welcome! We only ask that your final comic be “finished” artwork. The finals should not be in thumbnail form or just be stick figures.


Let’s do this! The first thing you need to do is sign up to let Aquatic Panda know that you are interested in being a part of It Came From Hallowzine. You will fill out a short survey/google form and download a copy of the contract. Contracts are required to submit. The contract is basic and just gives Aquatic Panda the permission to print and distribute your submitted art for this book only. All rights of the artwork will remain that of the artists. Sign ups for the anthology close on March 9th. We will send out emails once signups close to confirm we received your application and remind you of the next steps.

From there, you get to start thinking, writing and drawing. Aquatic Panda has a few checkpoints to help keep you on track. 

We will ask you to submit a concept and a few rough sketches. Depending on your process this may look different from artist to artist. You may show us your script and a few character sketches or rough layout thumbs. At the very least we ask for a few sentences describing what your comic is about. It’s fine if you don’t have all the details ironed out yet. Concepts/Story Ideas are due by March 30th.

Next we would like to see some more detailed artwork. Artwork does not need to be finished, but we would like to be able to see and understand the general look and idea of your comic. This can be detailed thumbnails or rough pencils. Pencils/Thumbnails are due by April 27th.

The last step is the final pages. This should be your finished artwork. By finished we mean “inked” final art and final dialogue (if any). Finished artwork may look different depending on artist style. Please edit and double check your work. The final book will be printed in black and white/grayscale. When you send the finals be sure they look like what you want them to look like in the final book. If you want the title, your name, or social media on your comic page you must add that to your artwork (there will be a table of contents). Final pages are due June 22nd.

Can I collaborate with another artist or writer?

Yes! You may work with another artist or writer, but this must be arranged by you before signing up for the anthology. In the signup survey there will be a question about working with a collaborator. Please enter the name of your collaborator. You and your collaborator must fill out the survey separately and you both must sign your own contract.

What is the page limit for submissions?

Your comic should be between 1 and 5 pages long. This limit is to keep it manageable for our time frame and to keep printing costs manageable. If you feel your story needs to be longer and it is reasonable that you can get it done in time please email us to get approval. Page extensions may be available depending on the number of signups and will be given on a first come first served basis.  

Technical Specs:

What is the required page size, resolution, image mode, and file format?

Regardless of medium or method you are using to draw your comic, your final pages must meet these specifications:

Page size: 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches (safe zone: 4.8903 in x 8.0278 in) 

Resolution: 300 dpi/ppi 

Image mode: Grayscale

File Format: .TIF, Flattened layers, no Alpha channels, LZW compression. (Note that some art programs do not export to .TIF - if that is the case with your program, please let us know) 

If you plan to use screen tones, please contact us BEFORE applying them so we can provide the proper output guideline. 

What do I get out of this?

All creators will receive 5 free copies of the book and will have the opportunity to purchase more copies of the book, at printing cost. If you wish to purchase additional copies this needs to be arranged prior to the printing of the book. We will reach out to creators about this opportunity once the book is ready to be sent to the printer. Once the book is back from the printers we will host a book release party with free food for all the contributing artists and their guests.

Who payin’ for this?

As you may know, printing is quite expensive. Aquatic Panda Distro has applied for a handful of grants in an attempt to procure funding. We should know for sure in the next few months if one of those grants will pay out. If not, we will be crowdfunding this book. We are hoping to raise $3,000 to pay for printing and to ship out any copies that need to be shipped. If for some reason the goal is not met, Aquatic Panda will foot the bill, but may result in a cut down of the print run. Regardless, this book will get made!

What happens to the rest of the books?

All extra copies are sold in local stores, conventions and distributed by Aquatic Panda to fund more cool projects like this one!


Hallowzine Official Announcement..January 31st

Signups end……………………...….March 9th

Concept art and story ideas due.....March 30th

Rough sketches..............................April 27th

Final Deadline…………………...….June 22nd


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Your Body My Choice

Not sure where else to post this. I should rename this blog to The Island of Misfit Drawrings. Meh, Moderate Sketchyness still works.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Button Commissions!

I'm doing original art button commissions!

If you are local to Chicago you may also pick up in person. The local pick up option is $25 instead of $30! I'll be tabling at the Rogers Park Farmers Market/Art Market on Sunday mornings (06/23, 07/28, 08/11, 09/29, 10/13) from 9am-2pm. I can also plan pick ups at other times as needed. Email me at aquaticpanda at or dm me on Instagram @Saturn2169 for inquiries. 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Doughboys Comic

Comic I drew while watching the Doughboys on youtube.


Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Revenge Of Hallowzine

 Call for submissions!

Andrea Pearson in association with Aquatic Panda with the help of Eric DeSantis are calling all Chicago area comic artists to submit to Chicago's premiere horror comic anthology: Hallowzine: The Revenge of Hallowzine!

We are asking artists interested in submitting to fill out this Google Form:

Signups end May 21st

Below are the Hallowzine specifics and guidelines. A downloadable pdf is in the google sign up form. 

If you have any questions please contact Andrea at aquaticpanda at

Thursday, December 15, 2022

I'm So Tired Of Social Media

I really want to go back to just posting on my blog. It feels like such a safe space. I guess because no one looks at it. Well, anyway, I drew this dumb little comic. I've been having fun doodling these characters in animal costumes and I wanted to play around with a sort of slice of life story featuring these characters dressed up inexplicably. This is mostly just a test, but figured I'd post it here, so you can see my process. Enjoy!

Thumbnails and rough characters in sketchbook.

Pencils. I don't normally pencil in black lead anymore, but was sort of feeling nostalgic.

Inks mostly done, just have to add borders.

Borders all added and a couple final touches.

This is the final scanned.

Pencils were sort of roughly measured, but I didn't use a ruler to trace the lines. I like the rough look of it.

It's sort of hard to tell, but this was drawn on a yellowish/beige cardstock. I wanted to do it on a light green cardstock, but I didn't have the color I wanted in the correct size of paper.

Anyways, I honestly haven't been drawing a lot of comics recently. I've been doing a lot of writing and just silly fanart drawing, but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. I've got some fun stuff coming up on the horizon. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Just wanted to post this dumb drawing

Been pretty rusty since I haven't been inking much, but just wanted to share this dumb little Stardew Valley drawing.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Anthology Sale!

Hey Everyone! With all the mess going on I’ve really missed out on sharing some of the cool anthologies I’ve been a part of. Buy some Hallowzines for the spooky season or get some fun books as gifts.

Northside Comic Artists anthologies Hallowzine 1-3

GCC Ladies Night Anthology Sisters

Northside Comic Artists Anthologies Misadventure and Memories

Prices are listed in the images. Free shipping (US only). I can receive payments through Paypal ( or Venmo (Saturn2169).